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Legal Source - dostęp do bazy

mgr Bożena Górna - 29 Styczeń, 2016 - 12:42

Wydział zakupił dostęp do bazy Legal Source



The Definitive Source for Lega l Research

Providing indexing and full-text coverage ofthe most respected scholarly law journals, this databaseis the authoritative source for current issues, stu d i es, thoughts and trendsof the lega l world. lt i s a n excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals, and others involved with the law.

Unparalleled Coverage

Combining the strength of H.W. Wilson's high-quality indexing and the power of EBSCO's full-text content, Lega/ Source indudesmany unique sources not previously available in any database. lt makes a perfect complement to Academic Search Complete, offering more than 660 additional full-textjournals.

Users will appreciate the international coverage and access to scholarly artides, symposia, jurisdictional surveys, court decisions, legislation, books, and book reviews.lnternational coverage indudes periodicals from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, lreland, Australia, and New Zealand. eontent lncludes:

• More than 1,100 full-textjournals

• Detailed indexing for lega l journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications and university publications

• More than 300 law reviews

Subjects lnclude:

• Administrative law • Domestic relations • Antitrust law • Estate planning • Banking • Family law • Business law • Food, d rug and

• Constitutional law   cosmetic law • Criminal law • lnsurance law • lntellectual property law

• Over 2 million records, induding book reviews and case studies

• Internet and • Probate information science • Securities law • Landlord/tenant law  • Sportsand entertainment law • Legallibrarianship

• Tax law • Multinational • Trade regulation corporations • Non-profit corporations • Patent and trademark