Uprzejmie informujemy, że Kolegium Dziekańskie podjęło decyzję o organizacji
uroczystości wręczenia dyplomów Absolwentom Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i
Ekonomii w roku akademicki 2021/22
Uroczystość odbędzie się 15 lipca 2022 r. (piątek)

Dear All,
we would like to invite you to the official Graduation Ceremony.
The Ceremony will take place on 15th of July, 08:00 am, in the University Main Building -
Aula Leopoldina, Plac Uniwersytecki 1.
Half an hour before the Ceremony, you will be able to rent Togas in the cloakroom in the Building D of the Faculty.
Please note that at the Ceremony you will only receive the Original of your Diploma and you
will have to come to the Student Service Office after to collect the rest.
If you don't want to or can't attend the Ceremony, you will be able to collect the Diploma in Student Service Office starting from 09.07.2022.
There is also a possibility to send a Diploma by post office. For this, you will have to write a request (form in attachment) and send it to us by scan.
Please make sure to write the address clearly on the application.
Kind regards