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SSA 3 gr. 6 kolokwium

dr hab. Artur Tomanek prof. UWr - 2 June, 2015 - 20:40

266316 - 3,0

261997 - 4,0

267096 - 3,5

265586 - 3,0

263584 - 3,0

266855 - 2

264041 - 3,0

265628 - 4,0

264757 - 3,0

265964 - 3,5

266678 - 4,0

264317 - 3,5

265044 - 4,0

264208 - 3,5

256881- 3,0

265970 - 5

266038 - 4,0

263548 - 3,0

264281 - 3,0