Pursuant to the request during class to provide an example of a case wherein the Court expressly overruled itself, please see:
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1540319596292&uri=CE... , para. 10:
"Bearing in mind the points outlined in the order for reference and in the discussions before the Court concerning the relevance of the Court' s judgment in Case 192/73 Van Zuylen v HAG [1974] ECR 731 to the reply to the question asked by the national court, it should be stated at the outset that the Court believes it necessary to reconsider the interpretation given in that judgment in the light of the case-law which has developed with regard to the relationship between industrial and commercial property and the general rules of the Treaty, particularly in the sphere of the free movement of goods"
This is the rare instance where the Court was nice enough to expressly overrule itself.
see also attached
Łukasz Stępkowski