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BBA Bachelor Thesis: rules for registration to seminar group

dr hab. Maciej Pichlak prof. UWr - 5 October, 2020 - 09:35

Dear Students,
below please find the rules for registration to the Bachelor Thesis seminar group. If you have any further questions, please contact me directly by email:
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Maciej Pichlak

The subject area of the seminar is “Legal Orders and Institutions – Legal Theory and Comparative Law”. Participants are expected to write their thesis about a chosen institution of public, private or commercial law, or a chosen regulatory instrument, comparing its functions and operation in selected legal orders.

The requisite to register for the seminar is that student has successfully completed the course ‘Fundamentals of Law and Government’.

The registration procedure is regulated by general rules, stipulated by the Faculty authorities. According to the rules, registration is held by email, and the term for registration is Thursday 08.10.2020, 11.30 am – 8.30 pm.

When registering, please specify your preliminary area of interest for your thesis. You can also add an explanation of your interest in participating in this seminar.

In the case that the number of applications exceeds the limit of 7 persons, the selection will be based on the exam grades obtained for the ‘Fundamentals of Law and Government’ course, as well as on your explanation of interest. Other applicants will be added to the waiting list.
Please mind that you can register to one bachelor thesis seminar group only.