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registration for the seminar - Criminal Justice

dr hab. Joanna Helios prof. UWr - 2 October, 2024 - 12:01

Dear All, I cordially invite you to the diploma seminar. Below I present some sample topics of theses that are part of the Criminal Justice education program. I hope that students interested in the diploma seminar will find an interesting topic for them. The seminarian chooses the topic of the diploma thesis himself. It does not have to be the topic proposed in the advertisement. The topic is not imposed by the promoter. It is important that the topic / subject of the diploma thesis is an inspiration and interesting for the student.
Registration for seminar will be held on 8th of October (Tuesday) at 11:30 room 305 A.
Registration procedure for the seminar: order of applications

Best regards,

Joanna Helios
Sample topics:
Selected Aspects of Human Animal Protection in Polish Law
All Animals are Equal - Peter Singer
Method of interpretation of polish rules / european union law
Speciesism – theoretical and practical aspects
Carl Cohen’s ‘Kind’ Arguments For Animal Rights and Against Human Rights
Feminism and animal rights.
Women rights
The evolution of feminism
Vegetarianism/ veganism.
Crimes Against Animals Around the World
Philosophical, ethical and psychological aspects of the cruelty to animals
Animal’s  shelters
Violence against women
Subjectivity of animals
Institutional violence against children
School as a total institution
Hospital as a total institution
Domestic violence against children
Legal and etical aspects of abortion
Euthanasia of animals in legal and ethical terms
Veterinary Doctor’s Code of Ethics
Veterinarian as a profession of public trust
Values of the profession of veterinarian
Animals well-being in legal and philosophical terms
Women as perpetrators of crimes
Animals as the subject of the property rights
Animals well-being in biological gardens
Justice as a value of procedural law
Juvenile delinquency
Developmental trauma as a difficult case in the legal system
Parental alienation
Euthanasia/abortion- ethical and legal problems
Artificial procreation from the point of view of ethics and law
Violence in adopitive and foster families
Educational freedom
 Authoritarian education
Symbolical violence in school
Ethics of the legal professions
Ways of understanding „violence”
Crimes against humanity
Human rights during the covid-19 pandemic
 Massacres and war crimes
War crimes and crimes against humanity in the jurisprudence of international criminal courts
The institution of adoption in family law
 Rape in marriage - criminal and criminological aspects
Criminalization of forced marriages
Transgenderism in Poland
Cultural violence
 Toleration in philosophical terms
Equity in law
 The interpretation of law in the jurisprudence of the CJEU
The role of pro-animal organizations in combating violence against animals
Medical experiments
Psychological violents against children
Ethical dilemmas in veterinary practice
Animal abuse and the penal code
Prohibition of killing and mistreating animals
Direct and eventual intention and the abuse of animals
 Theories of guilt in criminal law and violence against animals
 Counteracting violence against children in Poland
Counteracting violence against animals in Poland
The procedure of intervention in a situation of child abuse
Child victim syndrome
Child neglect in legal terms
Restrictions on human rights in the 21st century
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on society - psychological and sociological aspects
Violence in times of covid-19 pandemic
Women as victims of domestic violence
Mobbing and violence
Ethics towards animals
Anthropocentric ethics
Hunting and the legal protection of animals
Humanity towards animal rights
Palliative care in veterinary medicine - ethical and legal aspects
Polish legal regulations concerning homeless animals
Reasons for committing murder by women
Murder with particular cruelty - theoretical and dogmatic analysis
Feminist crimonology
Infanticide and domestic violence
Crime, murder, homicide - conceptual issues
Terrorism - classification problems
Justice as a value of law
Procedural justice
Ethics and the death penalty
Ethics and aggression
Axiological foundations of genetic bioethics
Ecology and technocratism
Vivisection and the legal protection of animals
The Beasts Act - dealing with people with mental disorders that pose a threat to the life, health or sexual freedom of other people
Animal husbandry and hunting and the legal protection of animals
Arguments "for" and "against" the death penalty
The conscience clause
The status of animals in the light of ethics
Violence as an educational metod
The role of non-governmental organizations in combating violence against children
 Legal aspects of child psychiatry
Non-alimony as a form of economic violence
Alcoholism and other addictions and domestic violence against children
Obstructing contacts with a child as a form of psychological violence
Poverty as a cause of violence against children
Professional ethics of the therapist
Power over the psyche - about the ethics of therapists
The Gender War
Manipulative activities of religious sects
Criminal victimology
System of assistance to victims of crime
Legal and ethical problems of transplantation
Victimology as an example of the development of jurisprudence
Unemployment as a victimization factor and a threat in the workplace
Manipulative activities of religious sects
Criminal victimology
System of assistance to crime victims
Legal and ethical problems of transplantation
Social maladjustment
Crimes against the environment
The right to medical secrecy towards a patient infected with HIV
Legal and social aspects of alcoholism