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LLB - Judicial Protection in the EU - exam results

Dear Students,


Please find the results of the exam of June, 10:


5-5,5 dst (3)

6-6,5 dst + (3,5)

7-8 db (4)

9  db+ (4,5)

9,5-10 bdb (5)


274335 7/10 (db)

270607 7/10 (db)

275594 6/10 (dst+)

256705 5,5/10 (dst)

271678 5,5/10 (dst)

272645 5/10 (dst)

273596 5/10 (dst)

272250 5/10 (dst)

275722 5/10 (dst)

Not passed:

271107 3,5/10

276302 2/10


With kind regards,

Agnieszka Frąckowiak-Adamska