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LL.B International and European Law Final exam questions

dr hab. Barbara Kowalczyk - 7 Czerwiec, 2017 - 17:35

LL.B International and European Law

Final exam questions


  1.  The concept of public administration.
  2. The mission and tasks of EU administration.
  3. EU administration as multi-level administration.
  4. The concept of EU administrative law.
  5. General principles of EU administrative law.
  6. Fundamental rights in EU administrative law.
  7. Sources of EU administrative law.
  8. The Constitution as a legal foundation of the functioning of public administration.
  9. The concept and types of public administration bodies.
  10. Principles of good administration.
  11. The concept and types of legal forms of administrative action.
  12. Administrative rules in EU administrative law.
  13. Single-case measures in EU administrative law.
  14. Supervision and control.
  15. Accountability and responsibility of public administration.