Due to the Covid-19 restrictions in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021: consultations will be held via Teams on Fridays between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm on Probation, Parole and Penitenriary Law channel.
If you have any questions in the meantime - please feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss that via e-mail or you can contact me again on MS Teams!
This is a list of topics we'll cover in the course:
1. Polish penitentiary system:
- legal definitions, basic documents
- admission process,
- security systems
- work & education
- prison service structure
- types of units according to the security level
- different categories of inmates
- main rules of the execution of the imprisonment
2. Probation& Parole practices according to the polish penal law
3. Prisoners’ rights- according to the polish & international law
4. Electronic Monitoring System
More information you will find on our channel on MS Teams (Probation, Parole & Penitentiary Law).
Videos will be also uploaded (weekly) at Probation, Parole & Penitentiary Law on Microsoft Stream at: https://web.microsoftstream.com/channel/f116f08d-5f02-41fc-a714-eff05da6...
A. Polak - Kruszyk