We are pleased to invite you to the Seminar „ CURRENT CHALLENGES OF GDPR APPLICATION. PRIVATE ENFORCEMENT AND BEYOND”, which will be held on Friday, June 10, 2022, at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Uniwersytecka street 22/26, building A, room 218.
The Seminar is organized by the Department of Civil Law and Private International Law (University of Wroclaw) and the Department of Law (University of Bergamo). It is cofinanced by the Programme “Excellent Science” of the Minister of Education and Science (Poland).
The Seminar involves speakers from six European countries: Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. It is divided into two panels. The discussion has been planned in both panels. Detailed programme can be found here:
For registration please send an email to agnieszka.guzewiczuwr.edu.pl or radoslaw.strugala
uwr.edu.pl before June 08.