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Wykład Prof. Cindy Buys

dr hab. Bartłomiej Krzan prof. UWr - 4 Grudzień, 2023 - 14:07

Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład Pani Profesor Cindy Buys (Southern Illinois University in Carbondale) pt.: The problems with prosecuting genocide (with respect to the Russia-Ukraine conflict and more generally), króry odbędzie się we wtorek 5. grudnia 2023r. o godz. 15:15 w sali 218A.

INVITATION to a guest lecture by Professor Cindy Buys (Southern Illinois University in Carbondale) on "The problems with prosecuting genocide (with respect to the Russia-Ukraine conflict and more generally)", venue: lecture hall 218A, on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 3.15 pm.