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prof. dr hab. Jerzy Supernat

Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny

Zdjęcie użytkownika prof. dr hab. Jerzy Supernat


Adres do korespondencji:

Jerzy Supernat

Instytut Nauk Administracyjnych

Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

ul. Uniwersytecka 22/26

50-145 Wrocław

jerzy.supernat [at]
Strona WWW:
Działalność naukowa: 

Działalność naukowa / Academic activity

Prof. dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat 's scientific remit is state and extra-state public administration and administrative law, primarily public administration and administrative law in Poland, England and Ireland, and public administration and administrative law in the European Union. He teaches in English courses on various aspects of public administration and administrative law applying comparative perspective and comparative methods.

Jerzy has published extensively on legal and organizational aspects of public administration, including the executive and administration of the European Union, and the functions of administrative law (effectiveness of public administration responsible for general interest vs protection of individual rights and interests against public administration), as well as functions of administrative law lawyers. Recently he has focused on common administrative space in the European Union and administration of the European Union, including administrative proceedings and judicial control over administration.

Jerzy is a member of the Research Network on European Union Administrative Law (ReNEUAL) and the author of the Polish-English Dictionary of Public Administration and Administrative Law. The Dictionary is an outcome of his interest in the languages of public administration.