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mgr Kamil Sobański


ul. Uniwersytecka 22/26, 50-145 Wrocław (pok. 3.08, bud. D)

kamil.sobanski [at]
  • Środy, 10:00-12:00;
  • Office hours: Wednesdays, 10:00-12:00.

Konsultacje w weekendy:

  • 26 października 2024 r., 10:00-11:00;
  • 24 listopada 2024 r., 14:00-15:00;
  • 21 grudnia 2024 r. (zdalnie), 10:00-11:00;
  • 4 stycznia 2025 r. (zdalnie), 10:00-11:00;
  • 25 stycznia 2025 r., 10:00-11:00.

Uprzejmie proszę o wcześniejsze zasygnalizowanie chęci kontaktu w drodze mailowej. Istnieje również możliwość umówienia się na konsultacje w innym terminie. We wszystkich sprawach zachęcam jednak przede wszystkim do kontaktu mailowego.

Please send me an email in advance to arrange contact. Alternatively, consultations can be scheduled at a different time. However, I strongly encourage you to reach out via email as the primary means of communication.

Działalność naukowa: 

Kamil Sobański is a PhD student in law at the Digital Justice Center.

He is specialised in criminal procedure and international criminal law/procedure. Currently his main interests focus on the impact of technology on criminal justice.

Kamil Sobański is a graduate of full-time law studies at the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics at the University of Wrocław. He defended his master's thesis, titled "Wykorzystnie metod zdalnych w postępowaniu przed Międzynarodowym Trybunałem Karnym" ["Use of Remote Methods in Proceedings before the International Criminal Court"], at the Department of International and European Law. Kamil was a scholarship recipient of the Erasmus+ program at the University of Liège (Belgium), and participated in international summer schools on public international law, international criminal law, and human rights. He gained hands-on experience in criminal law working at the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights Office and a law firm. Kamil gained his initial research experience as a Student Research Assistant at the Digital Justice Center and as a member of both the Student Circle of International and European Law and the Human Rights Circle. He was also actively involved in student life, serving as a member of the Faculty Student Government and the Faculty Council. Kamil was awarded rector’s scholarship for best students twice.

Kamil Sobański is currently preparing his dissertation at the Digital Justice Center, under the supervision of Prof. Karolina Kremens, as part of the project "Virtual Justice: Remote Proceedings before the International Criminal Court – Threat or Opportunity" funded by the Polish National Science Centre. He teaches criminal procedure and international criminal law. Kamil coaches the faculty's ICC Moot Court team. He is a member of Association Internationale De Droit Pénal (AIDP) and Virtual Criminal Justice Network. Kamil publishes on the "Przegląd Prawa Międzynarodowego" ["International Law Review"] blog on the activities of the International Criminal Court.