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dr Łukasz Prus


pokój 520 bud. A/ room 520 bulding A

+48 71 3752484
lukasz.prus [at]
Consulting hours: 

W semestrze zimowym 2024/2025 konsultacje odbywają się w gabinecie 520 budynku A, ewentualnie za pośrednictwem MS TEAMS (po wcześniejszym ustaleniu terminu drogą mailową).
In the summer term of the academic year 2024/2025, my office hours will take place via MS TEAMS (after prior registration via email) and in room 520 in building A.
Konsultacje/Office hours:

Poniedziałki 17:00-18:00
Monday 17:00-18:00

Czwartki 12:00-13:00

Thursday 12:00-13:00

Soboty 15:00-16:00

W dniu 8 grudnia 2022 r. konsultacje zostały odwołane. 
The office hours were cancelled on December 8, 2022.


Research career: 

Dr. Łukasz Prus is an assistant professor at the University of Wrocław, Section of Comparative Public Administration. 

He is specialised in:
1) EU Administrative Law, 
2) EU Administrative Procedures,
3) Comparative Law,
4) Equality Opportunities and Anti-Harassment Policy,
5) Waste Managment, 
6) Public Gatherings, 
7) Security of Mass Events,
8) Local Government Law,
9) Control of the Legality of Employment of Foreigners,
10) International Non-Governmental Organizations.

Member of the Editorial Board Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics.
He is an alumnus of the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution. 
He is a lawyer (attorney at law), qualified to practice. 
He also runs his own law office/practice.
Expert of the Border Guard.

You can find his book reviews here:       p. 8-9