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dr Justyna Bazylińska-Nagler
Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny
pokój 221, budynek A, ul. Uniwersytecka 22/26
OFFICE hours:
Z powodu choroby, konsultacje z 17.03 zostają przeniesione na 22.03 godz. 14.30-15.30.
Monday: 11.00 - 12.00 (room: 221 A)
Friday: on-line - 10.00 - 11.00
30.03: 16.00 - 17.00
12.04: 14.45 - 15.45
18.05: 10.30 - 11.30
7.06: 11.15 - 12.15
Zaliczenie nieobecności, do wyboru:
- odrobić na innych, dowolnie wybranych, prowadzonych przeze mnie zajęciach, także w języku obcym
- napisać kartkówkę na konsultacjach (z materiału przerobionego na opuszczonych zajęciach)
- napisać kartkówkę w czasie doliczonym, w trakcie kolokwium
Dr. jur. Justyna Bazylińska-Nagler, is a law graduate of Law, Administration and Economics Faculty, Wrocław University, as well as a post-graduate in legal and business translation at English Philology Faculty, and Spanish translation at Roman Philology Faculty, UWr.
She is an experienced academic teacher, lawyer-linguist, translator and researcher in law, for over 13 years teaching: EU law, EU Internal Market Law, Public International Law, Legal English and Legal Spanish languages. She is an experienced expert in international field, e.g.: Visiting Fellowship Programme at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London, Nov. 2011); „La tutela jurisdiccional de los intereses colectivos de los consumidores” Santiago de Compostela Universidad 2011; workshop – Transborder Medical Healthcare Lisboa University, 2015; Visiting Professor at Sevilla University, 2014: Programa de Doctorado en Derecho. And a researcher in EU Internal Market Law, e.g.: Smart City Landscape Protection —EU Law Perspective [in:] Happy City …, Springer 2017; The spillover of Dieselgate in the GSMB Invest C-128/20; Volkswagen C- 134/20 and Porsche C-145/20 cases: emissions cheat devices contrary to EU law, EU Law Live, 2022; Monitorowanie przez państwo jakości powietrza (w świetle orzeczenia TS w sprawie Craeynest), PiP 2023/2.
Dr. jur. Justyna Bazylińska-Nagler is a founder and Director of Spanish Law School (2012) in cooperation with Autónoma University Madrid. Recently: a project leader of Czech - Polish expert seminar: “Problems of EU law implementation in the Czech Republic and Poland”, 3 Feb. 2023 at Law Faculty, Charles University in Prague. Currently: Assistant Professor in Public International and EU law (i.e. internal market law and environmental law) at WPAiE, UWr.