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dr Bogna Kaczorowska
Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny
pokój 108, budynek A, ul. Uniwersytecka 22/26
Konsultacje w semestrze letnim 2024/2025
(w okresie zajęć dydaktycznych)
Do 8 kwietnia 2025 r.:
wtorki, godz. 12.00–13.00 (w formie stacjonarnej)
środy, godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
Od 14 kwietnia 2025 r.:
wtorki, godz. 14.00–15.00 (w formie stacjonarnej)
środy, godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
W terminach zjazdów studentów odbywających zajęcia w trybie zaocznym:
23 lutego 2025 r., godz. 13.30–14.30 (w formie stacjonarnej)
8 marca 2025 r., godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
5 kwietnia 2025 r, godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
10 maja 2025 r., godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
7 czerwca 2025 r., godz. 8.00–9.00 (w formie zdalnej)
W bieżącym semestrze konsultacje w formie stacjonarnej odbywają się w gabinecie 108 w budynku A, natomiast w formie zdalnej – za pośrednictwem uniwersyteckiej poczty elektronicznej.
Dr Bogna Kaczorowska, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Międzynarodowego Prywatnego na Wydziale Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Zainteresowania badawcze: problematyka prawa zobowiązań ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień rozwoju regulacji umów zobowiązaniowych w perspektywie prawnoporównawczej
Dorobek naukowy obejmuje publikacje z zakresu prawa umów, w tym: Jurisprudential Distinctiveness and Comparative Underpinnings of Contract Interpretation Scheme under the Polish Law of Obligations, [w:] I. Tot (ed), [2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations Proceedings] (Routledge 2025, w druku); The Regulatory Relevance and Legitimacy of Contract Law in Juxtaposition to Private Ordering, “Supreme Court Law Review, Third Series” 2024, vol. 3; The Regulatory Relevance and Legitimacy of Contract Law in Juxtaposition to Private Ordering, [w:] M. Moore, S. Beswick (eds), The Power and Limits of Private Law (LexisNexis Canada 2024); Algorithmisation of Contractual Practice and the Axiology of the Law of Obligations, [w:] L. Lai, M. Świerczyński (eds), Legal and Technical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie 2021).
Referaty na międzynarodowych konferencjach naukowych: ‘A Principled Approach to Good Faith in Commercial Contracts across Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions’, 8th Annual Conference on the Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform, London Centre for Commercial and Financial Law we współpracy z Westminster Law School, Londyn (Wielka Brytania), 25 października 2024 r.; ‘Complementarities between Contract Law and Algorithm-based Private Ordering’, 16th International Conference on Contracts (KCON), Texas A&M University School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas (Stany Zjednoczone), 17–18 marca 2023 r.; ‘Contract Law Remedies and Privately Ordered Enforcement’, Private and Commercial Law Annual Conference: Civil Remedies, UWA Law School, University of Western Australia, Perth (Australia), 8–9 grudnia 2022 r.; ‘Jurisprudential Distinctiveness and Comparative Underpinnings of Contract Interpretation Model under the Polish Law of Obligations’, 2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagrzeb (Chorwacja), 28–30 września 2022 r.; ‘Regulatory Relevance and Legitimacy of Contract Law in Juxtaposition to Private Ordering’, 3rd Canadian Law of Obligations Conference: The Power and Limits of Private Law, The University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law, Vancouver (Kanada), 23–24 czerwca 2022 r.
Bogna Kaczorowska, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Law and Private International Law at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław (Poland). She holds a PhD degree from the University of Wrocław for a dissertation devoted to contract interpretation in the light of the current tendencies of private law development. She also holds a diploma of the School of Italian and European Law from the University of Warsaw (Poland) and the University of Catania (Italy).
Her main teaching responsibilities cover undergraduate Civil Law and graduate Comparative Private Law.
Her research interests are in contract law, and notably in commercial contract regulation. The primary focus of her scholarly enquiry lies with the explication of the currently evolving normative frameworks for contracts, with particular attention to the interface between lawmaking processes and contract practice. In her investigation, she also seeks to explore the impact of technological advancement on regulating contracts and on legal reasoning in the area of contractual obligations. An element which is central to her studies is confronting in a comparative perspective the characteristics of the continental legal tradition and the common law jurisdictions.
She has published and presented on a variety of aspects of contract law. Recent publications include: ‘Jurisprudential Distinctiveness and Comparative Underpinnings of Contract Interpretation Scheme under the Polish Law of Obligations’ in I Tot (ed), [2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations Proceedings] (Routledge 2025, forthcoming); ‘The Regulatory Relevance and Legitimacy of Contract Law in Juxtaposition to Private Ordering’ (2024) 3 Supreme Court Law Review, 3rd Series, also published in M Moore and S Beswick (eds), The Power and Limits of Private Law (LexisNexis Canada 2024); ‘Algorithmisation of Contractual Practice and the Axiology of the Law of Obligations’ in L Lai and M Świerczyński (eds), Legal and Technical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie 2021). Recent presentations are the following: ‘A Principled Approach to Good Faith in Commercial Contracts across Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions’, 8th Annual Conference on the Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform, London Centre for Commercial and Financial Law and Westminster Law School, London (United Kingdom), 25 October 2024; ‘Complementarities between Contract Law and Algorithm-based Private Ordering’, 16th International Conference on Contracts (KCON), Texas A&M University School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas (United States), 17–18 March 2023; ‘Contract Law Remedies and Privately Ordered Enforcement’, Private and Commercial Law Annual Conference: Civil Remedies, UWA Law School, University of Western Australia, Perth (Australia), 8–9 December 2022; ‘Jurisprudential Distinctiveness and Comparative Underpinnings of Contract Interpretation Model under the Polish Law of Obligations’, 2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb (Croatia), 28–30 September 2022; ‘Regulatory Relevance and Legitimacy of Contract Law in Juxtaposition to Private Ordering’, 3rd Canadian Law of Obligations Conference: The Power and Limits of Private Law, The University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law, Vancouver (Canada), 23–24 June 2022.