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Karty podstawowe
dr Olga Hałub-Kowalczyk
Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny
pokój 509, budynek A, ul. Uniwersytecka 22/26
olga.halub [at]
Monday, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
W marcu konsultacje będą odbywały się wyłącznie za pośrednictwem Teamsa.
In March, my office hours will be held excusively remotely via Teams.
Działalność naukowa:
Assistant professor at the Chair of Constitutional Law; scope of scientific interests covers in particular: constitutional law, human rights law (esp. environmental rights, right to water), and human rights&business.
- since 2024: Head of the project "Right to water in the international law", financed by the National Science Centre (MINIATUTA 8).
- since 2024: Guest editor of the special issue of The European Journal of Consumer Law entitled "Right to water"
- 2023/2024: Member of the Expert Group Poland in the project of British Institute of International and Comparative Law "Global Perspectives on Corporate Climate Legal Tactics"
- 2022/2023: Head of the research project "Generations for future generation", in cooperation with University of Engeneering and Management in Kolkata
- 2020: Head of the research project "Eco-Forum. Polish-German Green Deal?", in cooperation with Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, financed by The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation (project no. 00194/2021/MG)
Member of:
- United Nations Association Poland (UNAP)
- The International Society of Public Law
- Oxford Human Rights Hub Community
- Polish Association of the European Law