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dr Karolina Kocemba

Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny

Zdjęcie użytkownika dr Karolina Kocemba
karolina.kocemba [at]
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Działalność naukowa: 
  • Post-doc w projekcie NCN OPUS Kobiety jako podmioty konstytucyjne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej 
  • re:constitution Research Fellow
  • Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Florence
  • Badaczka w Centrum Edukacji Prawniczej i Teorii Społecznej
  • Absolwentka prawa i administracji na Wydziale Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz socjologii prawa w International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati (Hiszpania)
  • Współzałożycielka Koła Naukowego Praw Człowieka działającego przy WPAiE UWr


  • socjologia prawa
  • mobilizacja prawna i strategiczna litygacja
  • prawa kobiet, prawa człowieka
  • konstytucjonalizm
  • edukacja prawnicza i sfera publiczna

Granty, stypendia i wizyty badawcze:

  • post-doc w projekcie Kobiety jako podmioty konstytucyjne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, grant OPUS 2021/41/B/HS5/01421, kierowniczka: prof. Anna Śledzińska-Simon)
  • re:constitution Research Fellow 2023/2024
  • Research Visit, New York University (Maj 2023)
  • Max Weber Fellowship - European University Institute, Florence 2022/2023, 2023/2024
  • wykonawca w projekcie Prawniczy autorytet epistemiczny w Polsce. Dynamika i rozwój w latach 1986-2020 (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, grant OPUS 2020/37/B/HS5/03709, kierownik: prof. A. Czarnota)
  • stypendium NAWA Prom - Erasmus University Rotterdam - Erasmus School of Law
  • stypendium NAWA Prom - Research Stay, University of New South Wales, Sydney
  • stypendystka w projekcie Ukryty program w edukacji prawniczej. Analiza teoretyczo-społeczna 2016-2019 (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, grant OPUS 2015/19/B/HS5/03046, kierownik prof. A. Czarnota)

Wybrane konferencje, seminaria i workshopy:

Seoul, 09/07/2024, IVR Conference, Presentation: From Black Protests to the ECHR Judgment. The Dynamics of Right-Wing Legal Mobilization Against Abortion
Florence, 29/05/2024, Workshop: Between autocratic legalism and right-wing legal mobilization, presentation: Resisting Right-Wing Legal Mobilization Against Reproductive Rights
Florence, 15/05/2024, Workshop: Populism and its Networks. Diffusion, Learning, and Illiberal Policy Change, presentation:Populists and Non-State Actors. Right- Wing Legal Mobilization Against Reproductive Rights
Lisbon, 02/05/2024, Nova School of Law, EU Family Law Webinar Series invited presentation: Right-wing legal mobilization against abortion in Poland
Tilburg, 25/01/2024, Conference: Protest under Pressure, udział w workshopach “Gender and Queer Justice” and “Transnational Activist Networks”

Hannover, 06-08/11/2023, Misappropriation and Human Rights Implosion, prezentacja: Non-State Actors and Right-Wing Legal Mobilization. Example of Women's Rights

Mediolan, 13-14/10/202, IV Conferenza Annuale di ICONs Italia, Politica e Istituzioni tra Trasformazione e Riforme, prezentacja: Constitutional Authority and Women's Rights. Example of Poland

Lund, 30/08-01/09/2023, Annual Meeting of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law: Law, Society and Digital Pasts, Presents and Future, prezentacja: Constitutional Courts and Right-Wing Legal Mobilization Against Women’s Rights

International Institute for the Sociology of Law, 22-23/06/2023, Workshop: Constitutionalism and Political Economy. New Trajectories and Opportunities for Socio-Legal Scholarship, prezentacja (razem z A. Śledzińską-Simon): Women and the Economy of Social Rights in Central and Eastern Europe

Florence, European University Institute, 14-16/06/2023, 17th Max Weber Fellows Conference. The Individual and the Collective: Concepts, Methods, and Approaches, prezentacja: Non-State Actors and Right-Wing Legal Mobilization Against Women's Rights

Florence, European University Institute, 22/03/2023, Workshop: Populism, non-state actors, and legal mobilization in Europe, prezentacja: Right-wing Legal Mobilization Against Women's Rights. The Case of Abortion in Poland

Florence, European University Institute, 09/11/2022, Seminarium: Right-wing legal mobilisation and reproductive rights in the EU, prezentacja: Right-Wing Legal Mobilization in Central and Eastern Europe. Example of Poland

Lisbon, 13-16/07/2022, Lisbon Global Meeting, LSA2022, roundtable discussion "Legal Epistemic Authority - Dynamics and Development in Times of Populism"

Wrocław, 4-6/07/2022, 2022 ICON•S Annual Conference "Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law," prezentacja: Right-Wing Legal Mobilization in Central and Eastern Europe. The Example of Poland

International Institute for the Sociology of Law Oñati, 19-20/05/2022, Workshop: Populism and the Crisis of Legal and Political Knowledge, prezentacja: Constitutional Authority and Women's Rights in Central and Eastern Europe

Wrocław, 25/04/2022, Workshop: New Constitutionalisms. The Crisis of the Rule of Law as a Crisis of Legal Knowledge, prezentacja: How to interview authorities?

Florence, European University Institute, 07-08/10/2021, Conference: The Dust of Time? Towards a 21st Century Constitutionalism, prezentacja: Right-Wing Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Poland

Prague, 16-17/09/2021, CEE FORUM: Political Imagination and Utopian Energies in Central and Eastern Europe, prezentacja: Right-Wing Constitutionalism and Women's Rights in Poland

Cardiff University, 30/03 - 01/04/2021, Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference 2021, prezentacja: Interactions in Spaces of Legal Education in Poland. Presentation of Research Results

Brno, 18/10/2019, Argumentation 2019 Conference, prezentacja: Interactions in Spaces of Law Faculty in Central Europe

Sydney, University of New South Wales, 21/07/2019, Seminarium: "Legal Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Spaces and Interactions"

Lucerne, 7-12/07/2019, 29th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy "Dignity, Democracy, Diversity," prezentacja: Spaces and Interactions in Legal Education. A Pragmatic View

Kraków, 11/03/2019, Conference Spatial Dimension of Law, prezentacja: Socialization in the Space of Legal Education

Wrocław, 05/03/2019, Conference Human Rights and the Borders of its Legal Protection, prezentacja: Counterpublics of Polish Constitutionalism. Example of Women's Rights

Lisbon, 10-13/09/2018, International Conference Law and Citizenship Beyond the State, prezentacja: Human Rights in Populist Times

International Institute for the Sociology of Law Oñati, 19-20/07/2018, Workshop: Social Ontology of Law in Legal Education, prezentacja: Polish Legal Education in Frames

International Institute for the Sociology of Law Oñati, 12-13/07/2018, Workshop: New Constitutionalism? New Forms of Democracy

Vilnius, 24-25/05/2018, 5th International Workshop on Law and Ideology "Central and Eastern European Constitutional Liberal Democracy in Crisis," prezentacja: Human Rights in the Populist Times. The Case of Poland

Timisoara, 3-4/05/2018, 10th Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists "Constitutional Identity and Social Memories in Central and Eastern Europe" prezentacja: Gender and Constitution. The Case of Poland

Lisbon, 17-21/07/2017, XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) "Peace based on Human Rights," prezentacja: Strategies and Hierarchy in Legal Education in Poland

Mexico City, 21/06/2017, 2017 International Meeting on Law and Society "Walls, Borders, and Bridges: Law and Society in an Inter-Connected World," prezentacja: The Growing Divide Between Students and Institutions in Legal Education

Timisoara, 25-26/05/2017, 4th International Workshop on Law and Ideology "Adjudication and the Political," prezentacja: (A)politicization of Legal Education in Poland?

Wrocław, 27-28/04/2017, 9th Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists "Democracy, Academia and the Political," prezentacja: Socialization of Law Students and its Meaning for a Democratic Society

Wrocław, 3-4/12/2015, Konferencja: Operative Human Rights. Political Illusion or Moral Necessity? prezentacja: Effectiveness of Systems of Preventing Violence Against Women